Draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working
Draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working

draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working

Moves the selected drawing view and any related views together as if they are one entity.

  • Ctrl + drag the middle mouse button Pans a model.
  • Shift + click Selects everything within the two selected items in the FeatureManager design tree.

    I just did a fresh install and it works fine for me.

    draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working

    Thats what the blue/green boxes are called.

  • Shift Lets you select a transparent face on a part Im not sure about the first one but for the selection go to options > user preferences > drafting options > entity selection > selection settings > and check 'automatic window/cross selection'.
  • Ctrl + click Lets you select multiple entities.
  • Spacebar Opens the View Selector and Orientation dialog box.
  • Alt + middle mouse wheel Shows a section view when using the magnifying glass.
  • Mouse Gestures in DraftSight - DraftSight Blog.

    draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working

    Internet Explorer 9 and above Upgrade Now. DIMJOGLINE / Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension. DIVIDE / Creates evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object. DIST / Measures the distance and angle between two points. Use or upgrade/install one of the following browser to take full advantage of this site. DIMEDIT / Edits dimension text and extension lines. Alt + click Shows a hidden body or component when you hover over the body or component This means that some functions may not work as expected.Shift + arrow keys Rotates the model 90º.Alt + drag the middle mouse button Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane.Alt + arrow keys Rotates the model parallel to the viewing plane.Alt + specified values Inserts standard Windows symbols:.The rest of the shortcuts I’ve grouped into categories for easy reference.

    Draftsight 2018 pan with center mouse button not working